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French Immersion

(Early Entry)

Students are immersed in the French language daily with the goal of the program being that students will become bilingual and acquire an understanding and appreciation of Francophone cultures. Children can enter our Early Entry French Immersion Program in Kindergarten or Grade 1.  Students who continue in the French Immersion Program until the end of grade 12 will graduate with a double Dogwood diploma. 

Click here for the French Immersion Vision.

Cliquez ici pour la version française

de la Vision pour l'immersion.



Middle & Secondary

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School Days
Late Immersion
Girl in Class

(Late Entry)

The Late French Immersion Program is open to any interested grade 6 students who have little to no experience with French. The program is very similar to the one taught in the English stream classes with the same content areas in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, physical education, music and art, except that all subjects are taught in French in Grade 6.  Language Arts in English is re-introduced in Grade 7. Students will remain in the late immersion program for grade 6, 7, and 8, at which time they will join French Immersion classes in grade 9 and graduate together with a Dogwood Diploma in English and in French.

Click here for a GMS Late French Immersion video.

Click here for the French Immersion Vision.

Cliquez ici pour la version française

de la Vision pour l'immersion.

Core French

Students will develop effective communication skills in French and an openness to, and appreciation of, Francophone cultures. Students will be exposed to the French language and culture from Grade 5 to Grade 8 and are encouraged to continue their French language development until Grade 12.

Click here for the Core French Vision.

Smiling Student

French Language Learning - Central Okanagan Public Schools

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